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Light & Motion equipment image gallery

The housing Light & Motion Stingray G2+ Premium

Light & Motion Stingray G2+
Stingray G2+
Light & Motion Stingray G2+ Front
Stingray G2+ Front
Light & Motion Stingray G2+ Monitor
Stingray G2+ Monitor
Light & Motion G2+
Light & Motion G2+
Light & Motion Stingray inside
Stingray inside
Light & Motion Stingray G2+ red filter
Stingray G2+ red filter
Light & Motion Macro Diopter
Macro Diopter
Light & Motion Toggle lockup
Toggle lockup
Light & Motion Menu handles
Menu handles
Light & Motion Handles infrared
Handles infrared
Light & Motion Redfilter inside
Redfilter inside
Camera & Tray
Camera & Tray
2 x 100 gr. weights
2 x 100 gr. weights
Light & Motion Red filter & diopter
Red filter & diopter
Light & Motion Back with electronic
Back with electronic
Light & Motion Wetmate 65°
Wetmate 65°
Record with Wetmate
with Wetmate
Record without Wetmate
without Wetmate
Light & Motion Zoom Wetmate
Zoom Wetmate
Graphic wide angle
Graphic wide angle
Light & Motion auto white balance
auto white balance
Light & Motion man. white balance
man. white balance
Light & Motion Macro without diopter
Macro without diopter
Light & Motion Macro with diopter
Macro with diopter

The Sunray 600 LED Light system

Light & Motion Sunray 600 LED
Sunray 600 LED
Light & Motion Sunray lamp head
Sunray lamp head
Light & Motion Sunray 600 accu tank
Sunray 600 accu tank
Accu-size compared
Accu-size compared
Lamp heads compared
Lamp heads compared
Light & Motion flexible arms mount
flexible arms mount
Light & Motion Sunray infrared
Sunray infrared
buoyancy body
buoyancy body
Halogen onshore
Halogen onshore
Light & Motion Sunray 600 onshore
Sunray 600 onshore
Light & Motion auto white balance
auto white balance
Light & Motion man. white balance
man. white balance


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Light & Motion Stingray G2+ Review

Innovative, light and compact!
Read here our extensive review to
the Light & Motion Stingray G2+!