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Our TOP 5 dive-sites – Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat – The world's largest biodiversity

Misool Eco Resort of Batbitim/Misool

Raja Ampat is an archipelago of about 1,500 islands in the west of Papua New Guinea and part of Indonesia.

The journey to this remote destination is very difficult and possible via Manado on Sulawesi to Sorong, Papua. From there you go by car or boat to isolated islands, where established few dive-resorts since few years.

  • Very well camouflaged Sepia
  • Wonderful and intact reef of Raja Ampat

The diversity of species in the sea around Raja Ampat is just incredible, surpassing anything previously known.

Researcher found in the past more species only in the area of two football fields as in the entire Caribbean. Really unbelievable!

Raja Ampat is the crown jewel of coral reefs and in pristine and fantastic condition. Due to the isolated location could develop here most of all coral species, protection for countless reef inhabitants.
You can also find the Walking Shark, who was discovered during an expedition in Raja Ampat 2006. He is a very small nocturnal shark, walking on his fins on the bottom of the shallow reef.

The area has not been affected by the climate phenomenon El Nino and offers divers a unique scenery.

We are happy to have visited this paradise and hope, that these colourful corals in their rich diversity will be preserved and survive for posterity.

If you like our impression TOP 5 dive sites of Indonesia, you can download them here as PDF format.




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